One step ahead with warehouse automation

Warehouse automation has evolved rapidly in recent years and has dramatically changed the way companies manage inventory. Through the use of advanced technologies, including artificial intelligence, sensors, and automated systems, companies can manage their warehouses more efficiently and accurately than ever before. In this article, we take a closer look at how warehouse automation can improve the operation of a warehouse, how companies are getting started with warehouse automation, and what the future of warehouse automation looks like.

Warehouse automation

What is warehouse automation and why is it important?

Warehouse automation refers to the use of advanced technology and processes to improve the efficiency and accuracy of warehouse management. Warehouse automation is important because it helps reduce costs, improve productivity, and minimize human error in the warehouse. Since customers have high expectations and want products in their homes as soon as possible after ordering, implementing a good WMS is not a luxury.


An important aspect of automated warehouse systems is the implementation of Warehouse Management System (WMS). Its software uses advanced technologies such as barcode scanning, RFID, and automatic data processing to automate and improve warehouse operations.


WMS programs also help optimize warehouse space and resource allocation, manage inventory levels, and plan the flow of products and materials. The result is not only increased efficiency but also fewer repetitive tasks for warehouse workers.



Here’s how to start automating your warehouse

Warehouse automation is indispensable in today’s job market. Due to digitalization and a high rate of competition, customers increasingly expect more from manufacturers. If you don’t automate the warehouse, the distribution and logistics process will simply be too slow for modern consumers. If you want to start automating, it is important to first organize, then standardize, and finally automate. This is because this way you get the most out of the warehouse because the automation project is completed in clear steps.


Successful companies that have implemented automation of their supply chain include Amazon and Zalando. Amazon, for example, has implemented a very sophisticated AS/RS system, which allows them to store large quantities of products and process them quickly. Zalando, on the other hand, has implemented an advanced Conveyor System, which enables them to efficiently process large quantities of garments.


By automating their warehouses, these companies have combined different solutions to take advantage of the benefits of automation. The result is not only increased production speed but also increased accuracy and reliability of warehouse processes. The power behind these systems? Ironclad software in the form of customized business systems in the Cloud.



The main benefits of logistics process automation

Automation makes any logistics process more manageable. In addition, automation ensures faster handling. This is important because the increasing pressure by customers on the supply chain requires more attention to the time factor. At XXL Nutrition, they have experienced the power of speed through automation systems for themselves.


XXL Nutrition seamlessly integrated BizBloqs with Exact Online for automated order processing, allowing them to process more orders with less human effort. This has led to a significant improvement in customer satisfaction and allowed XXL Nutrition to continue to grow as a company. In short, automation can be a powerful tool to optimize a company’s logistics processes and increase its success. Here are the key benefits of warehouse automation at a glance:


  • improved accuracy and quality in the production line;
  • efficient warehouse management through real-time inventory visibility;
  • increased customer satisfaction through faster order fulfillment and delivery;
  • improved operational efficiency and reduced costs;
  • improved inventory management and inventory tracking;
  • increased safety in the workplace.


Critical factors in warehouse automation

Because of its many benefits, warehouse automation always seems like the best option, but there are also challenges that arise in the warehouse when you get started with automation. To prepare staff for these, it is important to go through the following three steps.


First, it is important to analyze and optimize the organization of the warehouse to get a clear picture of the current processes. If you have a clear picture of this, then you can make a targeted plan for improving and automating these processes. Second, companies need to standardize their processes to make automation seamless and to maximize the benefits of automation.


Standardization is the imposition of a specific norm or standard. This is a phase that allows companies to test and streamline a product or process in practice.


After the analysis of current processes and standardization are completed, companies can automate the warehouse without making huge missteps. This can be done by using technologies and automated warehousing systems. Consider the use of advanced software, supply chain robotization, and other smart tools to make storage orderly. The result? Improved productivity and efficiency in the warehouse and production environment.



The future of automated warehouses

An automated warehouse is the future of smooth and productive operations in any market. With the emergence of new technologies such as robots, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things, companies will be able to further improve business processes. But there are still misconceptions surrounding warehouse automation. These are the three main misconceptions of warehouse automation solutions:


  • Some think it comes at the expense of jobs when it actually provides more safety and flexibility in the workplace. An automated warehouse makes work more fun, safer and easier!
  • Others think that automation is only suitable for large companies, while small businesses can also benefit greatly from it.
  • Companies think that automation is necessarily very expensive, while there are plenty of affordable solutions available today.


As a company, you can prepare for the future by keeping an eye on the latest trends and developments in automation. Are you about to implement automation in your company? Then it is smart to hire specialized consultants. These consultants can help implement automated warehouses, allowing problems and challenges to be resolved more quickly.



A step forward with an automated logistics process

As a (logistics) company, do you want to take a huge step forward in terms of functionality and cost savings? Then it’s time to seriously consider switching to an automated warehouse.


In this article, we discussed the benefits of automated warehouses, such as reducing human error, reshaping storage space, and speeding up the order picking process, among others. But what are the first steps you can take to automate tasks? And what are the key points to consider when implementing an automated system?


There are several different automation solutions. Which solution best suits your business depends on specific aspects. If you are looking to increase efficiency in your warehouse management, then implementing a Warehouse Management System (WMS) is a great option. However, this is a complex and challenging process, with many technical details and integrations to consider. Therefore, it is always advisable to leave the implementation process of a WMS to a professional.


Are you ready to experience the benefits of an automated warehouse and take your business to the next level? Then take the first step toward a fully equipped and automated warehouse now. The competition is probably already doing this, so what are you waiting for?


Willem Ten Asbroek

Willem Ten Asbroek

CEO, Bizbloqs Management Solution B.V.

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If you are not sure how to answer a question, or you are not comfortable with the recommendation, please simply contact us and discuss it with one of our experts. It is our duty and pleasure to guide you to the best of our ability, making sure you arrive at the right well-informed choice that suits your needs perfectly.


BizBloqs offers Business Processes as a Service (BPaaS) and has created a range of subscriptions that service the specific needs of customer profiles we have encountered often in the market.

Our solutions are designed in such a way that we can service the smallest businesses for their basic needs, while the same platform can service the most complex and elaborate logistic requirements as well. This level of scalability allows all our customers to make their subscription grow with their needs, no matter how rapidly they grow or increase the complexity.


I only need very basic features and care most about my outbound process.


Gambit is our entry-level solution that covers the basic needs for companies that are looking to digitize their order fulfilment processes.

The emphasis of this subscription is on the outbound processes, handling all common requirements with ease. Gambit includes the ability to integrate a web shop on the frontend or an ERP system in the backend.

Furthermore, you can connect your Gambit solution to a supported transporter of your choice. Your order fulfilment and stock management have never been easier.


I only need basic features, but inbound and outbound processes are both very relevant for my requirements.


Pawn is the second-tier subscription of BizBloqs. It offers all the capabilities of Gambit, but also adds full control over the purchasing process. If you are looking to take your business to the next level by digitizing all your warehouse processes altogether, Pawn is the right solution for you.

It offers location management out of the box, supporting one location per article as the standard. All basic processes any small or medium business might need are included, all based on the years of experience and elaborate expertise of BizBloqs. We have taken the best practices of implementations in the past so you can benefit from the best of our capabilities.


I need some advanced features; my situation requires location management and/or we need digital support for batch picking. You could say my needs resemble a wholesaler, reseller or large web shop.


Knight takes your digital logistic capabilities to the level you might see at large companies with a professional setup. In fact, BizBloqs services several companies at this level with its Knight solution. It offers the possibility to manage an article across multiple locations and offers digital management for your batch picking.

Knight is the right solution for you if you need to optimize fairly complex processes or large operations. If location management is a big part of your business, Knight is the right subscription level for you. This solution is popular amongst wholesalers, resellers and web shops in particular.


I want a standard solution, but with all the bells and whistles. I manage multiple locations and zoning across my warehouses and deal with a lot of orders.


Bishop is the ultimate standard subscription with a wide range of features beyond the capabilities of Knight. It allows for dynamic location management, which allows you to keep track of your stock on the move at all times.

You can manage multiple locations and assign various location zones as per your requirements. Bishop can handle a great number of orders without effort. If this ultimate subscription still doesn’t meet your needs, you would need to consider a custom solution that is tailored specifically to your requirements.


Clearly it will not be possible to make a straightforward recommendation for your needs. That’s perfectly fine, we have the expertise and experience to address your challenges. You will need to work with our experts to digitize your processes and define your workflow.

Our solutions are designed in such a way that we can service the smallest businesses for their basic needs, while the same platform can service the most complex and elaborate logistic requirements as well. We can do this without development in almost all cases, simply by configuring our solutions to reflect your situation perfectly.